Parents Toolkit for Action

Want to help shape public policy to improve air quality and reduce carbon pollution’s impact on our health, especially children’s health? The following resources will help you to build and refine your advocacy skills.

Learn the lingo
Advocacy, hearing, district …the following terms will help you better understand how to advocate for clean air to protect the health of you and your family.

Share your story
Your story is your most powerful tool in connecting with decision-makers to shape policy and improve the air we breathe.

How to write a letter to the editor
This is a great way to engage others and influence public opinion about a topic that you are passionate about.

How to write an op-ed
Want to be published on the editorial page? This is your opportunity to express your opinion about air pollution, climate change and its impact on our health.

How to speak with your elected official
A face-to-face meeting is a great way to build understanding, educate, and communicate with key policymakers on air quality and climate change issues.

How to testify at a hearing
Tips and guidelines for testifying before a legislative or regulatory body.