My Story: Lung Disease is Prevalent Among the Young and Underserved

I am Roxanne Samuels, a resident physician training in pediatrics. I was first introduced to Mothers & Others during my rotation on advocacy and policy. As a learner and pediatrician I want to know more ways to protect my patients and their families.

I’ve been fortunate that no one in my family has asthma or any other chronic lung disease, but since moving to Atlanta I have noticed how prevalent lung disease is especially among the young and underserved populations in this city. As a resident doctor I see many patients but I have a handful of what I call “frequent fliers” who I know will arrive to the clinic or ED when there is a change in the weather that exacerbates a respiratory disease.

I make no assumptions that clean air will be a movement that creates change immediately, but I expect that as more children and families are affected by poor air quality that local as well as national discussions will prompt steps in the right direction to preserve the quality of air and life.

Written by Dr. Roxanne Samuels