Media: LTE in the AJC “Bad Air Ruins Health”

Atlanta Journal Constitution
July 14, 2015
LTE – “Bad air ruins health”
By Art Must, Jr.
Read the original here.

Recently a couple of op-eds calling for cleaner air appeared in the AJC. (“Curbing ozone pollution,” Atlanta Forward, July 8). With a Code Orange smog alert that same week, it seems a good time to write a letter in support of those op-eds. We can have clean air if we pay attention and ensure our elected officials know it’s really important. Some people say requiring companies to meet stricter pollution standards will ruin the economy. This kind of scare tactic has been around for a long time. During the long fight to eliminate child labor in the U.S., the National Association of Manufacturers said eliminating child labor would ruin the economy. One thing’s for sure. Bad air can ruin one’s health. It’s time to support those who are working to improve our air quality.