Media Coverage: M&O Supporters Build Strong Case to Strengthen Ozone Standards

In an effort to build support for a more protective ozone standard,  M&O worked with one of our prominent supporters, Dr. LeRoy Graham,  Jr., pediatric pulmonologist, on an opinion-editorial (Op-ed) calling for the EPA to “heed the scientific  consensus and set stronger ozone standards based on scientific evidence available.”

Published along side Dr. Graham’s op-ed, was another op-ed written by NNaserri Carew-Johnson, a 16-year-old teen with asthma and daughter of M&O Leadership Board member Vicki Carew. NNaserri, in her moving essay, shared what it’s like growing up with asthma and why clean air is important to every breathe she takes.

Read the editorials here.
Or read the editorials in this pdf  copy –M&O Editorials on Ozone in the AJC on July 2, 2015