News: Clean Energy Savings for All Initiative Makes Solar More Accessible

Last week the President Obama announced a new interdepartmental program aimed at making clean energy more accessible to households in the U.S. The Clean Energy Savings for All Initiative will provide more Americans with the opportunity to utilize solar energy and make energy efficiency upgrades. The initiative is aimed at low- and moderate- income communities in particular and will result in lower energy costs and and healthier communities.

The White House explained, “President Obama is committed to ensuring that every American family can choose to go solar and to cut their energy bills – and that every American community has the tools they need to tackle local air pollution and global climate change.”

Historically, most electricity comes from the burning of fossil fuels like coal and natural gas. The burning of these fuels results in ozone formation, particle pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, which in turn contribute to a range of health problems as well as global climate disruption.

This new initiative is one facet of the inevitable and essential clean energy future. Renewable energy technology innovations are on the rise, costs continue to decrease, job growth continues to be strong, and more businesses and consumers are increasingly relying on clean energy. The story of one homeowner’s journey to solar is featured in this video.